1. Select Tickets 5. Booking Successful YourBasket Conclave (GR) 00.00 Conclave (GR) Showing on Sun 9 Mar 2:00PM Showroom Cinema - Screen 1 Showroom Loyalty You are currently not signed in. Sign In Email Password Forgot Password? Sign Up SelectTickets Select the number and type of tickets you wish to buy. Please note seats are reserved on a best available basis. You can buy a maximum of 6 tickets per transaction. Standard TicketsAvailable CostQtySubtotal Adult Adult 11.00 1830.00 Over 60's Over 60's 8.50 1420.00 Student Student 8.50 1420.00 Family of 4 incl. 2x U15 Family of 4 incl. 2x U15 25.00 4160.00 Under 15's Under 15's 5.00 830.00 Claimant Claimant 8.50 1420.00 CEA + Concession CEA + Concession CEA + Concession Description Quantity CEA Card 1 Claimant 1 8.50 1420.00 CEA + Adult CEA + Adult CEA + Adult Description Quantity CEA Card 1 Adult 1 11.00 1830.00 CEA + Child CEA + Child CEA + Child Description Quantity CEA Card 1 Under 15's 1 5.00 830.00 Next
Select the number and type of tickets you wish to buy. Please note seats are reserved on a best available basis. You can buy a maximum of 6 tickets per transaction.